Kindred, solo installation, 2022. Arusha Gallery, Edinburgh

Kim L. Pace is a maker of charged objects, an animator of mirages. Ceramics are ancient and versatile, close to the earth and crafted by hand, vessels and entities that are capable of summoning alternative material realities. Pace coaxes this primeval medium through the narratives of contemporary art. Kindred presents an archaeological folk tale that beckons the surrealist marvellous, toys with trompe l’oeil, and tickles a history of grotesque caricature. Pace is fascinated with the writings of Angela Carter and the visual imagery of Leonora Carrington – think of the carnival masks and waxy make-up in Carter’s Wise Children (1991) or the curious clusters of colourful characters that inhabit a Carrington picture such as A Sanctuary for Furies (1974). 

extract from essay by Catriona McAra, click here to read the whole essay


Major & Minor (Mother + Daughter)

